ADAM : My fascination with photography dates back to when I was fourteen, when I would spend most of my time in the mountains that surround my home town. Back then landscapes and the beauty of nature were the principal subjects of my photographs. In recent years my love for landscape photography has been revived. In a search for perfect light I started to roam through Iceland, land of the remarkable and ephemeral luminosity that is the very essence of unique photography. Photography, with its seeming simplicity, is my favourite form of expression – and my favourite subject is the natural world, filtered through the photographer’s interest and imagination.I value straightforward stories by which the viewer’s sensibility can be affected without any need for explanation.


IWONA : Hunting for interesting shots is a wonderful adventure and a great way to express both the beauty of nature and my own emotions. The photographs that reflect my character the most, have subtlety of colour and simplicity of composition. I like freezing in a frame exceptional situations and moods from the places I visit. I prefer to be surprised by circumstances, taking photographs in a spontaneous manner and capturing those unique, ephemeral moments such as unrepeatable combinations of light, colour and movement.

Natural landscapes inspire me the most. That is why I have found Iceland exceptional – this country of wilderness, wide open spaces, and spectacular atmospheric phenomena. Travelling through this land was a beautiful experience that has left a lasting impression.